ELAN 义隆电子是全球知名的人机接口芯片领导厂商之一,专精于触控屏幕芯片(Touchscreen Controller)、以及带笔功能的触控屏幕芯片(Touchscreen Controller with Pen)、触摸板模块 (Touchpad Module)、指向装置(Pointing Stick)及生物辨识芯片(含指纹与人脸辨识)的研发及整体解决方案。ELAN 义隆电子设计的芯片提供客户全方位的系统整合解决方案,主要应用在智能手机、平板、笔记本电脑以及各式消费性电子产品,其中,在全球笔电应用之芯片市场 ( 触控屏幕芯片、触摸板模块 & 指向装置在全球笔电市场的市占率位居第一) 居于领导地位。
ELAN 义隆电子研发且量产的触控屏幕带笔功能的芯片,以及TDDI带笔之产品,展现出产品差异化及市场区隔的竞争优势,及其压感可达4096阶, Report Rate为240Hz,具倾斜角功能,且支持多款笔的协议(Protocol),如微软的MPP,Wacom 的AES 及华为的HPP等。其应用产品已从笔记本电脑,平板延伸至手机。
ELAN 义隆电子营运成长最大驱动力的触摸板模块产品,为提供多元化的产品及附加价值需求,近期提供超薄型触摸板、采振动马达为力的回馈没有按压噪音的Haptic Pad及以及整合LED 和光学导光板机构的Lighting Touchpad等。其主要是应用在笔记本电脑,且支持主动笔功能。
ELAN 义隆电子指纹辨识芯片应用在智能型手机外,也扩大应用于笔记本电脑,新推出的芯片提供整合芯片内指纹比对(Match on Chip)技术于USB Dongle、开关键(Power Button)、键帽 (Keycap)、触摸板(Touchpad)等方案,也提供整合Secure-Bio之加密技术。
同时,在具指纹辨识功能智能卡(Smart Card)方面,ELAN 义隆电子提供有电池及无电池方案,符合ISO ISO7816 / ISO14443,并支持dual interface (双接口) 接触式与非接触式功能,超高感应量的指纹传感器在1秒以内即可以轻松完成解锁支付功能,提供安全且快速的指纹卡方案。
再者,ELAN 义隆电子整合相关转投资企业的产品技术 (包括触控、传感器、微控制器、无线传输技术、IP视讯监控等),建构以人工智能(AI)应用为主轴的整体解决方案,规画与执行AI的应用产品,涵盖生物辨识及多摄影机智能人流识别技术,延伸到智能交通及巴士大型车ADAS (先进辅助驾驶系统)范畴,最终扩及开发AI平台,为客户量身打造具国际市场竞争力的优质产品,期许完成多赢 ( 消费者、客户、股东、本公司 ) 的终极目标,并为企业的中长期营运擘画清晰的发展蓝图。
ELAN 义隆电子成立于1994年,是一家跨国营运的半导体企业,营运总部位于台湾新竹科学园区,另于中和、台南、高雄成立营运生产中心和研发中心。此外,亦设有销售或研发支持团队于大陆的香港、深圳、上海、苏州、重庆,及美国。已在台湾证券交易所公开上市,资本额达NT$30.4亿,股票代号是2458。
ELAN is a world leader in human-machine interfaces, notably in Touchscreen Controller with Pen Supports, Touchpad Module, Pointing Stick and Biometrics (fingerprint sensors and facial recognition). ELAN also provides the best integrated circuit design solutions for our customers.
Our customers benefit from applying a full range of ELAN modules for notebook PCs, smartphones, tablets and consumer electronics applications into their designs. Years of successful deployment of ELAN solutions has helped us achieve at a leading position globally, with our market shares of Touchscreen Controller, Touchpad Modules and Pointing Stick all ranked first worldwide.
ELAN dedicates ourselves in developing Touchscreen Controller and TDDI with Pen supports, offering customers the opportunities for product differentiation and market segmentation. Some of our leading pen feature supports include 4096 pressure level, 240Hz report rate and tilt sensing. Furthermore, we also support multiple pen protocols such as Microsoft's MPP, Wacom's AES and Huawei's HPP. Industry wide, Active Pen applications have gained popularity with users in notebook PC, tablets, and now smartphones in recent years.
The fastest growing product line of ELAN in recent years is Touchpad Module. Aside from standard modules, we also provide innovative offerings such as Ultra-thin Touchpad, haptic feedback or LED backlights with optional active pen writing on Touchpad.
ELAN’s fingerprint sensors have been widely deployed in smartphones and notebook PCs. Some of our latest fingerprint sensor innovations include MoC (Match-On-Chip) fingerprint sensors with data encryption and integration with Windows Secure Biometrics and sensors integrated into Power Button, Keycap and Touchpad.
ELAN pioneers innovative fingerprint applications by being the first company that integrates fingerprint sensor modules into smart cards. We offer various fingerprint sensor modules designs for smart card, either with battery-powered module or simply using NFC wireless coil to power the module. All such cards conform to ISO7816 and ISO14443 standards. These modules are safe, secure and easy to use thanks to features like fast matching speed, high performance in FAR (false acceptance rate) and FRR (false rejection rate).
Staying on top of our corporate mission to lead technological innovations, ELAN develops further technologies with affiliate companies (covering Touch, Sensor, Microcontroller, Wireless Transmission Technology and IP Video Surveillance) and constructed total solutions. Using artificial intelligence (AI) as the backbone, we offer smart city solutions like Biometric Identification and Video-based Person Identification technology, intelligent traffic flow control and ADAS (advanced assisted driving system) on buses.
Founded in 1994, ELAN is a multinational semiconductor company with headquarters in Hsinchu Science Park, and R&D /production centers in Zhonghe, Tainan and Kaohsiung, Taiwan. In addition, we offer sales and engineering service teams in Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Shanghai, Suzhou, and Chongqing in China as well as in the United States.
ELAN has been listed on the Taiwan Stock Exchange (stock code 2458), and a capital of NT$3.04 billion.
With our high quality custom-made products being adopted by more customers in the world, ELAN aims to achieve at building a win-win relationship between end users, direct customers, shareholders and ourselves.
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